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What happens when a company rolls out a new mobile application just before a global pandemic? Your first thought might be that’s unfortunate timing. But what if that organization specializes in occupational health screening for client companies, and the app happens to deliver 24/7 online self-service health screening at the employee level? Unfortunate timing suddenly becomes exponential demand and business growth with an urgent need for IT help desk support.

This organization was prepared for disruption. The new telehealth app provides clients’ employees with convenient access to healthcare professionals and medical consultations, manages returns to work, and provides employers with critical wellness data on their workforce. The application rollout was already underway when COVID-19 was classified as a pandemic.

The company was inundated with more customer support calls than it could keep up with while demand continued to skyrocket.

Just as the company’s backlog of service and help tickets was reaching an all-time high, MicroAge’s Tim Kerr made a call to the company’s CIO, who said yes, as a matter of fact, there was something Tim could help him with—a big something.

“The CIO explained that because app adoption had grown so fast, their small internal IT team was not able to keep up with demand,” said Tim. “Their IT team was also responsible for supporting their employees, and trying to do both was just not working.”

Tim immediately brought in Wyatt Bowman, MicroAge director of technical solutions, to help in assessing the CIO’s needs.

“This company’s growth and the demand on its IT staff just exploded almost overnight,” said Wyatt. “They had hundreds of unanswered service tickets—amounting to at least a three-day backlog … you really want to resolve these requests within 24 hours.”

Tim and Wyatt worked with the client to quickly strategize a plan for providing MicroAge IT help desk support augmentation. Wyatt efficiently vetted three technicians for the job. After a couple of weeks of training on the app, the techs are now answering calls and resolving support tickets.

The company is now meeting its SLAs, with average response time reduced to minutes instead of days.

“Our techs are just crushing it,” Tim adds. “The CIO tells me that if it weren’t for these three MicroAge technicians, the system would have failed.”

Have an urgent need for IT help desk services?

Let’s talk

MicroAge can provide IT help desk resources to augment your existing staff—or create a help desk from the ground up. Call us at 800-544-8877.

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